The presentation of the 30th edition of our magazine is ready!

The presentation of the 30th edition of our magazine is ready!


Last night we had the pleasure of presenting our 30th edition: “Se armó la cascarita! In the company of supporters, friends and followers of this project, we talked with Paola López Irigoyen, Pablo Duarte, Rodrigo Márquez Tizano, Christian Cañibe, María Portilla and Cristina Pérez about the role of soccer in the Mexican collective imagination.
Thanks to all the people who joined us and also to all those who left with their magazine! And thank you to Laguna for the space.
See you in the next one!

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Centro Creativo y de Reinserción Mi Valedor, A.C.
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Mi Valedor es la primera revista callejera de México que ofrece un modelo de autoempleo para poblaciones vulnerables (personas en situación de calle, migrantes, madres solteras, personas con capacidades especiales, entre otros). Apoya al proyecto haciendo un donativo.

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