Cardboard workshop with Ecobazar

Cardboard workshop with Ecobazar


During the month of August, the valedores took a cardboard workshop to make a hummingbird with the extraordinary Judith de la O at Ecobazar. The purpose of this workshop is to live together in community while carrying out an artistic activity, which has a relaxing effect (similar to meditation) on the students as they acquire a new manual skill.

We received this workshop thanks to the generosity of Judith, the workshop leader and Ecobazar, who lent us their space with great openness.

Ecobazar is a place that combines an urban garden, a space for workshops and cultural events, and a sustainable store that offers organic food, biodegradable hygiene products as well as flower pots and crafts made from recycled materials.

The valedores agreed after the workshop that this was a relaxing experience and at the same time a bond between them and the community, so we hope to continue collaborating with Ecobazar on future occasions.

Follow Ecobazar on Instagram and on Facebook to keep an eye on their different activities, such as the community bazaar that they organize in different city hall locations.

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