Don’t let the streets keep you quiet: Mi Valedor participates in public hearing

Don’t let the streets keep you quiet: Mi Valedor participates in public hearing


Mi Valedor was present at the public hearing of the week of work “Que la calle no lxs calle”, promoted by the Citizens' Parliamentary Association (APC) of the Mexico City Congress and our allies from “El Caracol”.

These hearings, where testimonies of men, women, elderly adults and children were heard, were carried out as a consequence of the abuses and mistreatment reported in the Center for Attention and Social Integration (CAIS) known as “Albergue Coruña”. With the participation of Congressmen Royfid Torres Gonzélez, coordinator of the APC, and Daniela Álvarez Camacho, vice coordinator of APC, as well as Alexa Moreno, Susana González and Luis Enrique Hernández of “El Caracol”, the hearing highlighted the mistreatment and conditions to which the people living in “Albergue Coruña” are subjected.

In Mi Valedor we emphasize that homeless people are subjects of rights and that, despite their condition, they should not be victims of discrimination or treatment that threatens their integrity.

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