End of year event with U Storage and the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey

End of year event with U Storage and the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey


To close a year full of activities with our collaborators, we organized with U-Storage, an event to thank beneficiaries, the team and our allies for their support and constant work.

This event took place on Tuesday, December 14 at the facilities of U-Storage Del Valle, in Buenos Aires neighborhood. The night began with welcoming words from our general director, Rodolfo Castellanos and continued with the screening of the documentary short films made by  Journalism students of the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Santa Fe, as part of their social service activities, in our institution.

In addition, the night was a pretext to thank the supporters for their permanence and growth.

We want to thank U-Storage and the Monterrey Institute of Technology for being strategic allies on this path towards a more egalitarian world and for opening the doors for us to close a year and welcome a new one.

We share one of the short documentaries screened during the event:

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