Health Fair at San Hipólito: day four of free vaccinations

Health Fair at San Hipólito: day four of free vaccinations


The fourth and last day of the Health Fair, held with the support of the UNAM Faculty of Medicine, Condesa Clinic, and ChektNow medical laboratory, found us in Mexico City’s downtown. Promoting essential access to health and right monitoring for the most vulnerable populations in our urban environment: homeless people.

In this context, it is extremely important to bring prevention and care possibilities closer to people whose marginalization is expressed through a lack of access to clinics and health services, because of discrimination, lack of money, information, or ID documents.

Early death is one of the most common results of negligence which homeless people are treated. It is important, therefore, to create spaces where it is possible for people to update their vaccination register and their health status. This was the closure event of the Health Fair.

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