International Red Cross Day

International Red Cross Day


This Sunday, May 8, World Red Cross Day was commemorated through the delivery of humanitarian aid to street populations. This date has always been remembered through volunteer activity and support to vulnerable people.

Some thirty volunteers from both the Red Cross and other civil society organizations went to the “Plaza de la Concepción” last week to give food and basic hygiene items. Among the participants were the groups “Psicocalle Colectivo”, a community proposal that studies the complexities of life on the street, and “Proyecto Cantera”, an association that promotes the integral development of vulnerable children through sports activities, specifically soccer.

The “Plaza de la Concepción”, located in the Historic Center, is an important choice, as it is known as a site of concentration of street populations due to its past as a chapel dedicated to the bodies of people without housing or money to pay for their burial. More than a century later, it is a site that has been reappropriated by the current street populations.

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