Mi Valedor at the 2nd International Real Social Reintegration Colloquium at Los Pinos

Mi Valedor at the 2nd International Real Social Reintegration Colloquium at Los Pinos


On Thursday, August 3rd, Mi Valedor had the privilege of participating in the 2nd International Real Social Reintegration Symposium at Los Pinos, an event organized by the Mexico City Social Reintegration Institute.

Sharing our insights and experiences alongside other organizations devoted to working with vulnerable populations was a true honor. This gathering provided a valuable opportunity for the exchange of diverse perspectives and the exploration of various work models. It proved to be an insightful platform that allowed for a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the current needs and challenges faced by these communities.

Undoubtedly, the symposium served as a space for learning and empathy and we are sincerely grateful for the invitation and the chance to contribute.

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Mi Valedor es la primera revista callejera de México que ofrece un modelo de autoempleo para poblaciones vulnerables (personas en situación de calle, migrantes, madres solteras, personas con capacidades especiales, entre otros). Apoya al proyecto haciendo un donativo.

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