Mi Valedor in the forum “entrale”, of the Mexican Business Council

Mi Valedor in the forum “entrale”, of the Mexican Business Council


From October 18 to 22, the Éntrale Forum was held virtually, a space for dialogue between different actors from the social and business sector around the inclusion of people living with a disability. We were invited to be part of this conversation, in two presentations.

The first one, titled Seeing the best in people and building together transforms lives, aired on Tuesday, October 19. In it, our Director of Communication Arturo Soto spoke with the valedor Rodolfo Torres about his experience in the project.

See the best in people

In the second, Opening the way to talent, broadcast on October 21, Arturo Soto gave a speech on the need for inclusive projects that seek to repair the damage left by social exclusion.

Making way for talent

The Éntrale Forum is an initiative of the Mexican Business Council that seeks to keep this important conversation on the human rights of people living with a disability alive. Thank you for inviting us to speak about the need for projects that include people living with disabilities and in vulnerable situations. Listen to our participation with a free registration at https://foroentrale.com and follow them in social media: @AlianzaEntrale

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