Our Mental Health Program: It wouldn’t be possible without you!

Our Mental Health Program: It wouldn’t be possible without you!


Our ongoing mental health program for our “Valedores”, dedicated to enhancing their well-being and facilitating their social reintegration, continues.

Over the past year, psychologist Elsa Marín, specializing in working with vulnerable populations, has been conducting free psychological therapy sessions every Thursday for those “Valedores” who choose to participate. Psychologist Dalton Rangel has also been facilitating a bi-weekly listening group where participants are encouraged to share their aspirations, pains, fears, and other essential topics, providing them with a platform to express themselves and be heard. Additionally, thanks to the dedicated efforts of the organization CAPI, our “Valedor” Rodolfo Torres has been receiving speech therapy to improve his communication skills and navigate his social environment more effectively.

None of this would have been possible without the invaluable contributions of our donors and collaborators. We extend our deepest gratitude to those individuals who have supported us in addressing the mental health needs of people experiencing homelessness and vulnerable situations.

Thank you very much for your support!

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