Mirada Camarada, a collective exhibition from Mi Valedor

Mirada Camarada, a collective exhibition from Mi Valedor


On November 18th, our very first collective exhibition was inaugurated, showcasing a collection of photographs, written texts, and drawings made by Valedores as well as some of our close collaborators. 

After six years of continuous work, we accepted La Laguna’s invitation to exhibit a demonstration of our combined efforts. 

Born from the idea of community building, Arturo Soto, Communications Director of our organization, curated around 50 pieces for the event. With photographs of collaborators already published in previous editions, as well as unpublished and archive material from our Valedores, the exhibition showed a journey throughout the ways in which we are committed to the creative and comprehensive development of Mi Valedor’s participants. 

Through various opening events, media tours and visits from the general public, the exhibition was an astounding success, the main reason why the exhibition space prompted us to extend its duration until November 28. We greatly appreciate the positive reception our exhibition earned and plan for many more to come!

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Centro Creativo y de Reinserción Mi Valedor, A.C.
Atenas 32, Int. 11. Colonia Juárez, CDMX
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Mi Valedor es la primera revista callejera de México que ofrece un modelo de autoempleo para poblaciones vulnerables (personas en situación de calle, migrantes, madres solteras, personas con capacidades especiales, entre otros). Apoya al proyecto haciendo un donativo.

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