Mirada Camarada, our first Collective Exhibition by the Valedores

Mirada Camarada, our first Collective Exhibition by the Valedores


We are very happy to announce that on November 18th we will inaugurate our first collective exhibition, comprised of photography, drawings, and texts with which we seek to open dialogue within our community to share ideas through the work of the Valedores and some of our beloved collaborators

The exhibition will take place in Laguna, and will be available from November 18 to 24 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Access through Dr. Erazo 172, Col. Doctores.

Our participation Valedores will be: Alejandro Peña, Alfredo Villena, Antonio Munguía, Camaxtli Ortiz, Erasmo Navarrete, Filemón Bazán, Francisco González, Isael Villarreal, José Santillán, Juan Manuel Cárdenas, Pedro Galán and Rodolfo Torres. And the collaborators: Delphine Tomes, María Portilla, Sonia Madrigal, Arturo Soto, Bob Schalkwijk, Paweł Tarasiewicz and Tonatiuh Cabello.

Poster of the collective exhibition Mirada Camarada of Mi Valedor

Photography by the valedor José Santillán

Photography by Tonatiuh Cabello

Photography by Arturo Soto

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Centro Creativo y de Reinserción Mi Valedor, A.C.
Atenas 32, Int. 11. Colonia Juárez, CDMX
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Mi Valedor es la primera revista callejera de México que ofrece un modelo de autoempleo para poblaciones vulnerables (personas en situación de calle, migrantes, madres solteras, personas con capacidades especiales, entre otros). Apoya al proyecto haciendo un donativo.

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