Posada valedora!

Posada valedora!


Today we had our posada valedora where we shared experiences, good wishes and gave recognition for the progress and dedication that the supporters have had throughout these months of activities. Through a series of dynamics, we shared a space together with the supporters and the whole team where we made a brief tour of everything we have achieved this year and the goals that are coming for the next 2023. We thank everyone who joined us this year and we look forward to seeing you again next year, and next year, and next year.

Happy Holidays to all of you worthies!

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Centro Creativo y de Reinserción Mi Valedor, A.C.
Atenas 32, Int. 11. Colonia Juárez, CDMX
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Mi Valedor es la primera revista callejera de México que ofrece un modelo de autoempleo para poblaciones vulnerables (personas en situación de calle, migrantes, madres solteras, personas con capacidades especiales, entre otros). Apoya al proyecto haciendo un donativo.

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