Our Presentation at SOMA: Voice through Art

Our Presentation at SOMA: Voice through Art




During the latest Museum Night in June, we were privileged to deliver a presentation at SOMA, delving into how we create spaces that amplify diverse perspectives through various forms of artistic expression. The session sparked a fascinating discussion about how groups in vulnerable situations navigate inclusion and voice their experiences through unique creative works.

The event featured the contributions of Pamela Zeferino, Cecilia Miranda, and Paola Eguiluz, who shared their profound creative processes and shed light on their experiences as female artists from the outskirts and how their backgrounds shape their movements through the city.

Francisco González, a photographer and ‘Valedor’, also offered his unique perspective as an artist, sharing the challenges he has encountered along his journey. His viewpoint was both enriching and thought-provoking.

Our heartfelt admiration and gratitude goes to all who took part!

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Centro Creativo y de Reinserción Mi Valedor, A.C.
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