Our Valedores visited the National Museum of Anthropology.

Our Valedores visited the National Museum of Anthropology.


Ahead of our upcoming exhibition in November, we took a tour of the National Museum of Anthropology in continuation with our drawing workshop.

The National Museum of Anthropology is one of the most prominent museums in Mexico City and ranks among the most important museums in its category in the world. It was inaugurated in 1964 and is located in the Chapultepec area in Mexico City.

The museum houses an impressive collection of art and artifacts related to the culture and history of Mexico’s indigenous population, from pre-Hispanic to contemporary civilizations. The exhibition halls are organized by cultures and historical periods, showcasing a wide range of objects, from monumental sculptures and jewelry to household utensils and tools.

Among the most notable collections at the National Museum of Anthropology are the halls dedicated to the Aztecs, Mayas, Olmecs, Zapotecs, Mixtecs, and many other indigenous cultures. It also houses the famous “Piedra del Sol,” a gigantic circular sculpture that was used as a calendar by the Aztecs.

The tour was great!

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