Third day of free influenza vaccines held at Mi Valedor

Third day of free influenza vaccines held at Mi Valedor


From the second week of February, Mi Valedor organized a vaccination day, our members received medical support, like the influenza vaccine and HIV and syphilis tests. They could also get access to glucose tests and blood pressure measurements.

The third day of the vaccination was carried out in the offices of Mi Valedor, in Colonia Juárez. The attendance was constant and satisfactory, which means many Valedores were protected against the virus.

Facilitating access to health for vulnerable populations is one of the most important goals in a context in which marginalization is expressed through non-existent access to health services, whether for reasons of discrimination, lack of information or identification documents. Early death is one of the most evident results of the negligence with which homeless population is treated, therefore it is important to create spaces where it is possible for people to update their vaccination files and monitor their status.

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