Visit with the valedores to the landscapes exhibition at the Jumex Museum

Visit with the valedores to the landscapes exhibition at the Jumex Museum


On April 13th, a visit was made to the Jumex Museum in the company of the valedores. The visual artist Perla Ramos gave a tour of the exhibition “Paisajes”, in which she participates.

During the tour, they talked about the territory, the displacements, as well as the public and private space.

The exhibition is a small sample of the work process of a workshop coordinated by Felipe Zúñiga as part of the SOMA educational plan, a program that seeks to generate a space for horizontal discussion, collective interaction and critical thinking.

In addition, Pamela Zeferino  invited artist to the 30th edition of the magazine “Se armó la cascarita”, which you can read here:

Culture: a fundamental element in the development of our valedores, we will continue with this type of activities, always taking care of our health.

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