First Freedom Fair for Peaceful Reintegration

First Freedom Fair for Peaceful Reintegration


As a result of the combined efforts and in order to achieve the harmonious social reintegration of those who have been released from the Criminal Justice System, this May 1st the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City hosted an event that hosted the released population, their families, friends and various activities dedicated to socialization, creativity, sports and community activities, in order to achieve a welcoming space for those who are now reintegrated into everyday life.

The event, called Freedom Fair, was attended by 20 government agencies of Mexico City and several civil society organizations, including Mi Valedor. We were present with the intention of publicizing the project as an option for labor integration and the creation of new support networks in a context of vulnerability of the population. The first Fair was organized by social reinsertion CDMX and the CNDHCDMX, generating visibility, support and alternatives for people who have been deprived of their liberty.

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