As a result of the combined efforts and in order to achieve the harmonious social reintegration of those who have been released from the Criminal Justice System, this May 1st the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City hosted an event that hosted the released population, their families, friends and various activities dedicated to socialization, creativity, […]
Talking about homeless people is also talking about institutional invisibility, structural violence and a deficient exercise of human rights. As people with insufficient support networks, they are subjected to violence and mistreatment without others interceding to stop them. What obligations do institutions have to guarantee the exercise of their rights? Let’s go by steps: First, […]
The first step to combat injustice and discrimination is that individuals, particularly those who are in a vulnerable situation, know their rights (and obligations) to enforce them. This is why during the month of July, the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City (CDHCDMX) had the generosity of giving a three-session workshop to the valedores to […]