“The ABC of human rights” Workshop with the human rights commission of Mexico City (CDHCDMX)

“The ABC of human rights” Workshop with the human rights commission of Mexico City (CDHCDMX)


The first step to combat injustice and discrimination is that individuals, particularly those who are in a vulnerable situation, know their rights (and obligations) to enforce them. This is why during the month of July, the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City (CDHCDMX) had the generosity of giving a three-session workshop to the valedores to delve into the subject. It began with the ABC of human rights to find out what their foundations are and what they protect and then talk about the rights of people on the street: What problems do they face to exercise their rights and what Mexico City´s dependencies are obliged to guarantee them?

The workshop closed with a session dedicated to the problem of arbitrary detention and the strategies that can be followed to prevent the continued perpetuation of this injustice.

Thanks to the CDHCDMX and the instructors for this valuable information that will allow the valedores to exercise their rights.

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