Free health point at Casa Frida

Free health point at Casa Frida


On March 1st,, Casa Frida offered its headquarters to set up a free health point in collaboration with Mi Valedor and the clinical laboratory ChektNow. This spot is a shelter that works as a care center for LGBTIQ+ people who have been victims of violence due to their sexual orientation, gender expression or health condition.

During its 18 months of operation, Casa Frida has provided accommodation to more than 250 people from this community, giving them access to food services, psychosocial counseling, medical and psychiatric help, as part of an holistic reintegration plan. In this way, the shelter is a safe place for those who are in situations of risk and is open to people of all ages, nationals and migrants, as well as to any victim of phobic violence, with the mission of mitigate the effects of the social, economic, cultural and political marginalization caused by intolerance.

In this way, access to health services, not only a vaccination scheme, but also blood pressure tests or HIV tests, is an essential part of any project that seeks to provide spaces free of discrimination where there is easy access to tools that seek physical well-being.

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