Health fair held for vulnerable populations

Health fair held for vulnerable populations


A partir de la semana del 14 de febrero, Mi Valedor gestionó una jornada de vacunación en la cual participaron nuestros colaboradores con el fin de obtener diversos apoyos médicos, principalmente, la vacuna contra la influenza.

From February 14th onwards, Mi Valedor organized a vaccination day in which our members participated in order to get medical support as the influenza vaccine. Mi Valedor participated in the Health Fair for street populations organized by the UNAM School of Medicine and by Dr. Ali Ruiz Coronel.

Influenza vaccines, HIV and syphilis detection tests, glucose and blood pressure tests were applied.

The  Health Fair is an event that receives collaboration of the UNAM Faculty of Medicine and the Condesa Clinic, coordinated by Dr. Ali Ruiz Coronel and the ChektNow medical laboratory.

Throughout the day, gathered in the Plaza de la Soledad, tests for the detection of HIV and syphilis were also applied. On the other hand, those who attended had the possibility of having glucose tests and blood pressure measurements; as part of a joint effort to bring health to the most vulnerable populations, considering that homeless people suffer extreme and constant marginalization, especially when it comes to access to health services. This inequity is also expressed through the difficulty faced in achieving complete medical care in hospitals, clinics and health centers for reasons of stigma and discrimination. Facing this reality, the health fair provides a temporary infrastructure to allow people to update their vaccinations and monitor their status.

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Mi Valedor es la primera revista callejera de México que ofrece un modelo de autoempleo para poblaciones vulnerables (personas en situación de calle, migrantes, madres solteras, personas con capacidades especiales, entre otros). Apoya al proyecto haciendo un donativo.

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