Last few days of “¡Vaya Vaya Tacubaya”! The collective exposition of Mi Valedor

Last few days of “¡Vaya Vaya Tacubaya”! The collective exposition of Mi Valedor


We are one week away from the end of ¡Vaya vaya Tacubaya! a collective exposition. Representing a piece of the photographic perspective of our collaborators and beneficiaries.

With its opening on june 15th, this exposition holds two central show-windows from the metro station Tacubaya. The exhibited photographs have the common theme of the city, its concurrances, transits and colors, in addition to being the direct result of artistic and formative processes taken place in Mi Valedor.

As a product of various workshops, visits to cultural venues ,and photography tours around the city on which the valedores have generated an actual visual archive of Mexico’s capital city, as well as refined their own techniques through visual training and sensibility.

¡Vaya, vaya Tacubaya! is a free exposition (included with your metro ticket), bringing back the classic nickname “chilangolandia” to bring exposure to the multiple perspectives the valedores bear daily. Likewise, it additionally counts with works from collaborators such as Berenice Fregoso, Martin Parr, Arturo Soto, and Pawel Tarasiweicz.

Last day: august 14. Make the best of your usual transite in the city or go straight to Tacubaya metro station. Don´t miss it!

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Centro Creativo y de Reinserción Mi Valedor, A.C.
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