Presentation of edition 31, Valedores del mundo, ¡uníos!

Presentation of edition 31, Valedores del mundo, ¡uníos!


Last Tuesday, May 4th, we had the opportunity to present our most recent printed edition, the number 31, Valedores del mundo, ¡uníos!, in front of a group of close friends and collaborators on the terrace of the Frëims restaurant, in the Condesa neighborhood. The event was a source of great joy for us as it is the first issue to be printed since the pandemic began, and the first event that we were able to organize now that this situation seems to stabilize.

The panel was made up of our ex general director Esteban Álvarez, the founder of the María Portilla project, the designer of the Christian Cañibe magazine and the valedor Francisco, who shared their experiences from their respective areas of action in the civil association.

Our general director spoke about the need for projects such as Mi Valedor that seek long-term social reintegration, thanked the different collaborators who have supported him since his arrival at the position and moderated a conversation between the members of the panel. And both María Portilla and Christian Cañibe exchanged ideas about how this new edition of the magazine emerged and developed.

In addition, the valedor Francisco spoke about his experience as a supporter and what he has achieved throughout these 6 years of belonging to the organization, a source of great pride for us.

The event was also a great opportunity for sales and socialization for the assisting valedores, who were able to offer the magazine and merchandise to the assistants.

We greatly appreciate the support of the attendees and especially the Proyectos Monclova gallery who made possible, through a generous donation, the printing of this magazine.

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