Re-start your business workshop taught by the ProEmpleo foundation

Re-start your business workshop taught by the ProEmpleo foundation


During the month of May and June, the valedores enrolled in the Re-start your business workshop taught by the ProEmpleo foundation. The training consisted of five modules in which the valedores learned to recognize in themselves the necessary elements to strengthen and work on resilience to face future challenges as entrepreneurs, to identify new sales channels and tools, to improve decision-making with the use of orderly personal finances and to identify customer needs at the time of purchase to satisfy them.

The ProEmpleo foundation is a civil association that encourages people to achieve a more dignified and productive life through training, personalized business consulting and business ties. The workshop leaders in charge of teaching the different modules are experts in their fields who generously share their knowledge so that others obtain the tools to carry out their business.

The valedores completed the corresponding modules and graduated from the workshop in which they learned to think of themselves as entrepreneurs and acquired tools to develop successfully within the framework of self-management.

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