“Traning leaders to train leaders” Workshop with Francisco Villavicencio

“Traning leaders to train leaders” Workshop with Francisco Villavicencio


During the month of September, the valedrores took a workshop in three sessions under the name Training leaders to train leaders that seek to train responsible integral people, through education in ethical values ​​and sports, capable of making their own decisions, collaborating with others in the search for the common good. In summary, the objective was to create awareness in the advocates that they are not only responsible for themselves, but also that they are influential for those around them and, therefore, each one should take advantage of this opportunity to become an agent of change.

The workshop given by Francisco Villavicencio started its first session focused on freedom: how it is seen, how it is lived and how the freedom that we had at birth is exercised. An opportunity was also opened for the valedores to share their experience within society and to hear the inspiring testimony of Francisco who went from living on the streets as a child to directing soccer teams and finishing a degree. The second session focused on leadership and what it means to be a leader and the third on the ways in which one can improve the institution of which is a part and use it to have a positive impact.

The valedores considered that this workshop was very inspiring since Francisco is a great example and they requested a second workshop, but now one of public speaking. We hope to see it done soon!😊

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