This Thursday, October 28, the valedores mounted the Day of the Dead altar, an important occasion for many of them since they remember their loved ones while living together in a healthy and safe space. This activity was the preamble to a skull writing (traditional poetry) workshop that will be held on Tuesday, November 2.
As part of the activities and cultural tours that we organize with the valedores, this month we took a tour of the National Museum of San Carlos to visit the exhibition The history that unites us. Pets in art, with which the venue restarts face-to-face activities after being suspended due to the pandemic. For the […]
During the month of September, the valedrores took a workshop in three sessions under the name Training leaders to train leaders that seek to train responsible integral people, through education in ethical values and sports, capable of making their own decisions, collaborating with others in the search for the common good. In summary, the objective […]
As part of the ongoing relationship with the Fundación del Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México A.C. (FCHCDM), the valedores accessed a set of free medical services for the care and monitoring of their health. In a special module installed at Deportivo José María Morelos y Pavón, they were given vision and hearing tests […]
Throughout these last weeks we have been in an active campaign to promote vaccination among our community of valedores. To find out their particular needs and perceptions, we began by applying an individual questionnaire to each valedor, and based on the results we have planned specific guidance strategies for each case. In addition, from our […]
On June 1st, the supporters visited the exhibition The Universe of a Designer. Alexander Girard, which is presented at the Franz Mayer museum. With documents, samples of his creative process and many finished pieces that range from industrial to textile, the exhibition takes a tour of the work of one of the most important designers […]