Valedores prepare ‘object-art’ exposition and exhibit their work

Valedores prepare ‘object-art’ exposition and exhibit their work


The last few weeks the valedores have been getting an objet-art workshop by Francisca Rodillo De Vicente, a chilean artist that seeks to breakthrough paradigms and preconceived ideas related to art, and technique; Francisca doesn´t use materials or formats considered normal for professional artist such as oleos or acrylics, rather she works with construction materials, latex, vinyls, varnishes, even recycled materials.

The artist believes that aimless techniques make us closer to the materials and colors we see regularly. This way, the interaction between sensibility and memory comes closer, for both the person who produces the art and the perception of everyone else.

In this space, Francisca and the valedores have had the chance to experiment with different materials, many of them recycled materials and a few others specially selected by the beneficiaries themselves. Francisca Rodillo has experienced what is usually regarded as “art therapy”, studies that go deep in the rationalization of human experiences in an abstract and unfiltered way. 

The valedores are working on pieces that are going to be exhibited this thursday 11 of august at 5 p.m. at the Centro Cultural del México Contemporáneo. ¡Save the date!

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